Global Partner Manager:in (inbound) Business Segment Home (Kassel Hybrid, DE)

1 Stellenangebot
ab sofort Vollzeit Sonstige Berufe

SMA Solar Technology AG


Sonnenallee 1
34266 Niestetal/Kassel
Jetzt bewerben!
We are shaping the energy revolution! In the Home Solutions Business Segment, we develop integrated energy solutions for homes. With our SMA Energy System, our customers can not only generate solar energy - we also provide solutions for optimally using the generated solar power in the entire house. Supplying household appliances with solar power, charging electric vehicles in a climate-neutral manner and controlling heating in a cost-optimized way - with the SMA Energy System Home, this can be done fully automatically with 100% green power from the roof, if desired.
Your contribution to the "big picture"
  • As inbound Partner Manager, you are responsible for the sustainable and holistic management of the Business Segment's (globally operating) inbound partnerships, including financial planning
  • You are responsible for managing all aspects of the inbound partnership of key suppliers in the solution portfolio of the Business Segment
  • You conduct framework and contract negotiations independently and closely watch contractual agreements and accomplish those in the Business Segment's interest
  • Furthermore, you ensure inbound partnership satisfaction and create inbound partnership loyalty
  • You implement strategic partnership decisions (inbound) considering the P&L responsibility of the Business Segment

Your skills are needed
  • Relevant experience in managing large key accounts on the supplier's side.
  • Expertise in the global PV Home key markets (EU, USA, Australia) as well as broad experience in components (e.g., inverter) and system environment (e.g., energy management solutions and batteries)
  • Strong entrepreuneurial spirit and advanced negotiation skills
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills (relationship management) °
  • You are fluent in English, German language skills are advantageous

#bethechange We look forward to receiving your application.

Your contact is Anne Schuster | HR Global Recruiting | Telephone: +49 561 9522-0∗ SMA is committed to diversity and equal opportunity - unattached of gender, age, origin, religion, disability or sexual orientation.

Bitte im Betreff der Bewerbung folgende Referenznummer angeben: 863865701


 Personalabteilung / Global Recruiting

Personalabteilung / Global Recruiting

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SMA Solar Technology AG


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